What we believe
Nearly one out of every ten of us lives deprived of basic healthcare and will never visit the help of a healthcare practitioner in their lifetime. At DoctorsAct we see a brighter and better future where basic healthcare and access to a medical practitioner is available to all. The way we see it, free basic healthcare is achievable— A problem rooted in injustice. Eliminate injustice and poverty, and you can eliminate diseases We’re not saying it will be quick or easy, but it can be done.
We won't patch a problem and then disappear. We won't stand by silently and watch others suffer. Instead, we take action move towards the tackling the problem We recognize our responsibility We see people’s power to change their lives.
It disturbs us that in a world as rich as ours, many of us don’t have access to basic healthcare or go hungry or don’t have clean water. Many of us can’t claim our human rights. It’s wrong. And together we aim to do what’s right. DoctorsAct. Right the wrong.
DoctorsAct – See a need. Meet the need!