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Dr Odaire reflects...

Dr Odaire and Dr Boahen of DoctorsAct

A friend once told me, “Odaire, all religions are the same in essence. Every one of them gives the practitioners of a sense of inner peace, love, freedom, joy and a connection with the supernatural.” He went on to suggest that Christians should adopt the policy of live and let live. He and many others believe that there is no need for evangelism or missionary work.

This concept, however, is not correct. From the days of the early church - the apostles and the generations that followed – to the present, Christians have left their countries, families and comfort and gone to places plagued with pestilence, disease, war and famine; they have been ridiculed, insulted, beaten, imprisoned and sometimes even killed just to share the message of reconciliation of man to God.

Nowadays, there are many individuals and organizations that are involved in this magnificent task. I would like to talk about one such organization - DoctorsAct. DoctorsAct is missionary and humanitarian organization founded in Moscow, Russia by Ojoola Yusuf MD in 2009, and since then have worked with students by organizing medical talks on ethical issues such as abortion, euthanasia, double effect, etc. We also organized various seminars with different medical missionaries from Canada and USA. Workshops are also held for volunteers to be abreast with practical skills needed for the missions.

The passion to bring hope and change live across the world was developed in 2011.With the desire to help others; we used our skills and resources to meet the medical needs of the underprivileged and impoverished communities in some parts of Africa, beginning with 10 volunteers to South Sudan.

In 2012 we continued our work by sending out 30 volunteers to 10 poverty-stricken communities in South Sudan, South Africa and Ghana. These missions impacted more than 3500 lives through basic healthcare, public health education, donation of school materials and supplies for personal hygiene, and through personal, group, and house to house evangelism. We also started two community based projects in South Sudan and Ghana.

In 2013, DoctorsAct sent three teams to Zambia, Ghana and Nigeria. We helped over 6,000 people and for the first time we organized a three day crusade in Ghana with an attendance of about 600 people per day. By God’s grace, this year we will go to three countries including Ghana. My dear reader, I would like to extend to you the privilege to be a part of our wonderful fledgling team. If you are willing to join us, and/or help us with a financial donation, or through prayers you can contact us at

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