Initiatives on
COVID-19 Health Literacy Study
Given the recent pandemic, various health information is available on the Internet considering issues such as diagnosis, treatment, protective behaviour, preventive measures, dashboard statistics and vaccination. DoctorsAct Ghana is conducting different studies to generate knowledge about COVID-19.
We are conducting a COVID-HL Survey among university/tertiary institution students in Ghana. The aim this survey is to measure health literacy, stress and burden and online information-seeking behaviour in relation to COVID-19.
Completing the survey won`t take longer than 10 minutes. We are convinced that this is a well invested time. The more students participate in the survey, the more meaningful results will be generated. Data protection adheres to all Ghana data protection laws and regulations and your anonymity is always guaranteed. The data will be encrypted and stored securely and will only be processed by trained members of the research study team.
Thank you very much for your support.
We would like to invite you to participate in the survey. Please click the button below.